The Holiday Calendar, biscuits and integrity

1. Not having a commute when you hate the world and everyone in it because you didn’t sleep properly the night before and you know that travelling on public transport and actually having to engage with strangers would only make matters worse.

2. The Holiday Calendar on Netflix. Cute, modern and extremely cheesy with just the right amount of magic.

3. An evening on my own. The husband is at his Christmas do and I pigged out with salad and popcorn. I was also very sensibile and did some chores. Because I’m rock’n’roll like that.

4. Fortnum & Mason Lemon Curd Biscuits. They are as good as they sound if not better and I’m desperate for a wagonload.

5. Integrity. When your thoughts and your behaviour are in harmony. But why is it so difficult? John Stuart Mill said: Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. If I think the industry I’m in is careening down a road that flirts with censorship and authoritarianism, should I stay silent?

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