Pulia, a crazy submission and the body I was given

I was very skittish today. My attention was all over the place. What I need is a super fast, super compelling book tonight to wheel away my Friday night.

1. Pulia. It was National Pasta Day yesterday but because I’m always the contrarian I decided to have pasta today. Orecchiette Croccanti (tomato, aubergine, breadcrumbs and caciocavallo cheese) at Pulia, an Italian restaurant in London Bridge.

2. Balance. In yoga sometimes balance is there. Sometimes it isn’t. Today it wasn’t but it kind of made me humble. Sometimes the ego needs to be kept in check.

3. When my cat looks at me and I fall in love with her all over again every time.

4. One of the craziest submissions I ever received. Gross, crass, inappropriate, overfriendly and generally icky. I laughed so hard I almost didn’t do any work for the rest of the afternoon I was laughing so hard. The people I shared it with, anonymously obviously, told me they were sorry for me, for being subjected to something like that. I replied that they shouldn’t be sorry because it’s the funniest thing that’s happened to me in a long time. And I certainly don’t feel like the victim of a great wrong. Au contraire, it was funny and I was grateful for the laugh. I wasn’t offended, or traumatized, or anything like that. I was tickled like crazy.

5. I’m grateful for my body. With all its flaws and imperfections, and idiosyncrasies. Because in spite of all of that, it still carries me around and allows me to practise yoga and to enjoy it. It’s not perfect but it’s pretty strong. And it’s improving every day.


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